Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Age Spots

!±8± Home Remedies to Get Rid of Age Spots

Age spots are collections of pigment caused by exposure to the sun. (also called liver spots and solar lentigo) Age Spots also called is Liver spots and solar lentigo. Age spots are flat, gray, brown or black spots. Liver spots are flat brown-black spots that usually occur in sun-exposed areas of the body. Liver spots are extremely common after the age of 55 and occur most commonly on the backs of hands or the forehead. True age spots are harmless and don't need treatment, but they can look like cancerous growths. For cosmetic reasons, age spots can be lightened with skin-bleaching products or removed. Liver spots mostly appear in areas consistently exposed to sunlight (the face and backs of hands, for example), although they also are occasionally found on less exposed areas. Ultraviolet (UV) light accelerates the production of melanin. Melanin is the dark pigment in the epidermis that gives your skin its normal color. The extra melanin is produced to protect the deeper layers of your skin -- creates the darker color of a tan. Age spots develop when the extra melanin becomes "clumped" or is produced in higher concentrations than normal. Skin discoloration is caused by increased pigmentation. Sun avoidance and the use of good sun screen protection can help lessen the appearance of both lentigines and freckles.

Age spots are harmless. Age spots range from freckle-size to more than a centimeter across and can group together, making them more prominent. Often, age spots are accompanied by other signs of sun damage. Symptom is a skin lesion that is a painless, flat patch or macule (area of skin color change). Liver spots are the result of a "ceroid" pigment build up in the skin of older people. These latter spots are the outward signs of free radical destruction within the body. There is pre-oxidation of fats--in the cells instead of in the liver. Free radical damage produces waste materials in cells throughout the body, including the brain and liver. Liver spots do not become cancerous. Still, if a spot changes in color, size, or shape. Age spots can be treated with freezing, acids, skin sanding, electric needle and any other methods which causes a superficial destruction of the skin. Lasers are much more precise and less damaging to the skin because light is used to selectively remove the pigment without damaging the normal surrounding skin. There is also less pain and less healing time required to recover from laser treatment than with non-laser treatments. Liver spots can be lightened with skin-bleaching products or removed by freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy). Cryotherapy (freezing) or laser treatment may be recommended to destroy the liver spots.

Age spots home remedies Tips

1.Aloe Rubbing fresh aloe vera juice or gel on the spots will help fade them. Use the gel twice a day for a month or two. Juice from the aloe plant is excellent for healing burns and is also beneficial as a general healing agent.

2.Apple cider vinegar Combine two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of orange juice and apply to the spots, preferably on a cloth or cotton pad that is secured to the area.

3.Bilberry herb slows some of the aging processes and acts as an antioxidant. Take 4-8 oz. of fresh berries, 80-160 mg of bilberry extract (25% anthocyanidin), or 20-40 mg anthocyanosides daily.

4.Buttermilk Dab buttermilk on the spots. The lactic acid and other ingredients in the milk are beneficial to the skin. Buttermilk has been used for generations as a skin cleanser and as a beauty aid.

5.Castor oil Apply castor oil on the spots in the morning and in the evening, and rub well into the skin. The spots should disappear within a month.

6. Take fresh or canned chick peas (garbanzo beans), mash about 1/3 cupful and add a little water. Smear this paste on the spots and leave it there until it dries.

7.Dandelion Break open a dandelion stem and rub the sap on the spots 2-3x per day. Good for warts, too. Will Greer (Grandpa Walton) used this method successfully.

8.Using the ancient Chinese herb gotu kola. Mix 1/8 teaspoon of powdered herb into a cup of herbal tea or add it to plain hot water along with 1/8 teaspoon of ginseng and a pinch of cayenne. This remedy should clear the spots in a few days.

9. Mix one teaspoon grated horseradish root, 1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon vinegar, and 3 drops rosemary essential oil. Dab onto your age spots with a cotton ball once or twice a day (less if you have sensitive skin); it will exfoliate the top layer of skin and your spot should lighten. Jeanette Jacknin, M.D. in Smart Medicine for Your Skin.

10.Some fresh lemon juice on the spots twice daily. If you are going outdoors, wait for the juice to dry as it increases the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. It may take a few months, but the acidity in the juice will cause the spots to fade away.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Age Spots

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Acne Natural Treatment - Clay Mask

!±8± Acne Natural Treatment - Clay Mask

Using clay mask as a complimentary treatment for acne is quite effective in the treatment. It being an exfoliant means that it can remove dead skin cells from your skin's surface and thus reducing the chances of getting acne. To learn more about clay mask and its effects on acne, read on.

Clay is scientifically proven to be able to improve acne by cleansing deep into the pores, removing the dirts, and getting rid of dead skin cells. It contains some really beneficial nutrients, especially minerals, such as zinc, that have a positive impact on your acne.

You can find clay mask in your nearest health store. There are many kinds of clay mask on the market, but the best clay mask you can get is purified volcanoes' clay. But bear in mind that clay mask is not meant to be applied to frequently. You should use clay mask not more than three times a week.

The more you use it on your face, the more dead skin cells will be removed, and for this reason, your skin will become too sensitive and irritable. Once this happens, you cannot frequently use other daily acne ointment. This also means delayed treatment for your acne.

You should use clay mask at night since your skin's absorption ability is improved at that moment of time. Apply the clay evenly over your face after you wash your face properly. Relax and wait for 10-15 minutes or as instructed by the instruction. Wash your face, and your skin will feel very smooth. And as stated before, you should never use it too frequently.

There are other more creative ways to mix clay mask with other remedies. For example, you can mix clay mask with lemon juice, honey, apple cider vinegar and so on. To treat your acne, I personally think that by using clay mask and lemon juice is the better combination.

By using clay mask properly, you can improve your skin's general health and acne condition.

Acne Natural Treatment - Clay Mask

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

7 Beauty Tips For Acne Prone Skin

!±8± 7 Beauty Tips For Acne Prone Skin

Acne. Boy do I hate it. Those pimples popping up all over my face back in my teenaged years. Even now, I do get acne outbreaks when I am stressed, or use the wrong skin care product. I've been to many doctors who are able to clear my acne, until the next outbreak.

Part of the reason is oily skin. Greasy skin that traps dirt and skin debris clogging up pores make your skin pores an excellent breeding place for bacteria. The bacteria multiplies and voila. You have acne.

All is not lost. If you have oily skin that is prone to acne, here are 7 beauty tips to help keep the pimples away.

1. Keep your HANDS off your face.

You hands, after touching so many things, opening the door, picking up a bag, things we do everyday, are covered with bacteria. The last thing you want is to put that bacteria on your face. Touch your face often with your hands, or worse still, pick those pimples with your fingers, and you will see the pimples multiply.

2. Keep your HAIR off your face.

If you have oily skin, you probably have oily hair. Oily hair brushing against your face adds to the oil. Oil, sweat and skin debris are a great way to clog the pores in your skin, leading to more pimples. If you notice pimples appearing on your forehead, or your cheeks and chin, typically where your hair might brush against, your hair could be the culprit. Wear a hairband, use hair clips to keep your hair off your face, tie it into a pony tail, or get a hair cut.

3. Wash your face 3 times a day with a good acne cleanser.

I got that tip from a doctor. I washed my face when I woke up, at lunch time and at bedtime with a cleanser that is meant for skin that has acne. My skin cleared when I stuck to the routine and used only skin care products meant for skin with acne. A bar of soap meant for washing your face does the trick just as well.

4. Stick to acne skin care

Every time I stray from that point, I end up with a major acne outbreak. Always. Everytime I see my pals with exceptionally radiant skin, I want to use whatever they use. I would switch to richer, anti aging skin care as a preventive measure, worried about wrinkles appearing when I get older. That backfires every time. I end up with more pimples. Stick to good acne skin care products [http://www.everythingbeauty.info/acne.htm].

5. Relax

Did you notice how pimples tend to appear more before a stressful event. Exams. A big date. A presentation. Stress wreaks havoc on your skin. Ok, pimples can also pop up due to hormonal imbalances, like just before your period.

6. Sleep

Your skin heals itself when you sleep. Your entire body heals itself in your sleep. A night without sleep may lead to more pimples. Make it a habit to leave your worries behind and get a good night's sleep. Work out more earlier in the day. Get some exercise before evening. It helps.

7. Stay away from pressed powder compact.

Yup. You heard me right. I got this tip from a friend. Her friend used a pressed powder compact to hide her acne. Instead, the more she used it the worse it got. Just think. By mid day, your skin gets oily. You take out the powder compact, and use that powder puff to apply pressed powder on your face. Now, your face would already have dirt, bacteria and oil on it. Pat your face with that powder puff and now that puff picks up the dirt, bacteria and oil. You put it back into the compact. The bacteria happily breeds in there. Then you take out the compact again and pat more powder, mixed with oil, dirt and bacteria onto your face, picking up more gunk, putting in more gunk into your compact. The cycle goes on. A better bet would be to use blotting paper to blot off the excess oil instead. Then you can throw the paper away after use. Use the blotting paper meant for your face like the ones found at [http://www.everythingbeauty.info/blotting%20paper.htm]

About this powder puff thing, make it a point to wash your powder puff and all your make up brushes regularly, with soap and water. Then dry them completely before you keep them. Guess that would make it an 8th tip right?

Oily, acne prone skin needs a lot of care. The bright side is that oily skin is slower to show signs of aging than dry skin. Take care of your skin and you'll probably look younger than your peers as the decades go by.

7 Beauty Tips For Acne Prone Skin

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

HYPOGLYCEMIA Tips to Help You Overcome This Threat

!±8± HYPOGLYCEMIA Tips to Help You Overcome This Threat

The term Hypoglycemia simply is a condition when blood sugar drops very low. Nevertheless, the symptoms for hypoglycemia can vary from person to person, the most likely signs/symptoms of this condition includes the feeling of tiredness, nervous, sweaty and may lead you to feel impatient and irritable. You may also experience being a little shaky or confused.

If this is more like your case then you have a problem which is Bad News but the Good news is we are going to stipulate below tips on how you can counter attack this threat. People with Type 1 diabetes are also more prone to having hypoglycemia, it is important that you have to let your family members or close friends know that you are diabetic or you have low blood sugar so they will also know what to do in cases when you are not capable of telling them or you get out of control.

Don't hide it cause, that is the dangerous part and a wrong way of solving a problem. If you want to get rid of hypoglycemia or if you want to lower your chances of suffering from such condition, below are tips that you might find quite handy.

Knowing a problem is the first and only stepping stone cause if you can't dictate then it becomes a double case issue; Get to know the causes of hypoglycemia cause if you know the causes that can help you fight it off from your system. Hypoglycemia occurs if you skip meals or you delay eating your meals. Eating small or too little can as well trigger hypoglycemia as well as drinking alcohol, thus if you want to get rid of this threat, make sure you avoid these behaviors as well.

No matter what anyone says to you I will suggest you get a lab test first then we can now go from there receiving any treatment outside this could be conflicting cause you need to know your sugar level first. If your blood sugar is low, which you can obtain by conducting a test, then you can apply eating carbohydrates right coupled with some fruit juice. Supplying your body with sugar in this form which are easily absorbed by the body and this can help you gain balance back. Now we are making a little way.

iii... EAT RIGHT
Your diet has a lot role to play here, You have to eat small but make it more often throughout the day. This will help you reach that balance in your blood sugar level. Beside, you have to take cognizance of what you are eating. Concentrating more on foods rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates could help a long way keeping you in right direction against Hypoglycemia.

Above all, the best treatment in this is PREVENTION and that's were we come in the link below, get us to this e-book which will take us to the world of hypoglycemia were we get to know the various skills to combat/prevent this threat.

"Every Single Day Was A Struggle..."

Getting to work on time...keeping my appointments...meeting people - simple, routine, day-to-day activities soon became a nightmare!

In short, my life was slowly veering out of control.

And none of the doctors I went to seemed to be able to help me.

I visited specialist after specialist - all scratching their heads. The last straw was when one of them suggested I make an appointment with a psychiatrist!

I really thought I was going crazy.... before I finally figured out what was wrong....

My desperation led me to do some research on my own.

I discovered I was suffering from a debilitating, but little-known condition called Hypoglycemia

"KNOW THIS; Hypoglycemia Might Not KILL You, But..."

...it can cause you to go blind!

Did you know that hypoglycemia gradually leads to a devastating condition?

And, the possibility of vision loss occurring due to diabetes is already well known, but new studies show that damaging effects could start even before diabetes has actually set in.

Please I know you don't want this to catch up with you but the choice is all yours that is if you act fast now by following the link to combat this ugly and silent killer or choose to hide it and slowpoke in pains or better still experience blackout trust me, it is better you kick it out or probably, you have a friend or relative you want to help, off cause, getting this item can also help you save lives cause the information you will accumulate will make you wiser and stronger.

Please follow this link and help us kick Hypoglycemia out of your world today and surely you will be glad you did. http://www.rexconsult.blogspot.com

HYPOGLYCEMIA Tips to Help You Overcome This Threat

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